Vienna Cycling

Andy and I decided the best way for us to see Vienna was to hire bikes. So that is what we did - we picked up our bikes from Velopold Vienna and rode the ten or so kilometres back to our accommodation.

My first attempt at riding in Vienna was a bit nerve wracking, having faith drivers will obey the road rules and not get frustrated with me or not see me as we fly across intersections showing green for bike!! No stop start stop riding here in Vienna it’s all go go go.

Our second ride a 35 km outing to a village up the Danube was more successful but no less stressful. The roads were still a place of ‘what if’ and the ride along the Danube was a battle with the wind to stay upright. But we did it - out and back - crossing numerous roads and tram tracks with no incidents. Home - exhausted.

Our third ride, well we rode like locals!! Flying along with freedom and speed. We knew where we going, how to get there and we enjoyed every minute.

No wonder so many people in Vienna ride bikes.


Spanish Riding School


Donaupark - Park Run